Monday, October 12, 2015

Sales Meeting

Hello all,

"Sales Meeting"

We are having a sales meeting tomorrow and I would love to see as many of you there as possible. We are trying out a new venue at the MRIS building in Rockville and we would love to get your feedback afterwards on the location! We will also be talking a little more on the switch to Mark becoming the primary Broker, great time to ask any questions about it if you like. Below is an email Dana sent out Friday with more information.

Happy Friday. This is a friendly reminder that our next sales meeting is this coming Tuesday, October 13th at 10:00am. Breakfast will be served. The meeting is at a NEW LOCATION-MRIS BUILDING! The parking lot is going through construction so park in any open spot you can find or the garage. CLICK the link for directions - See you there! 

Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid.
The Valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
~ Ghandi
It has been said that "a camel is a horse created by a committee." You've probably witnessed the process yourself. You put any twelve decision-makers in a room together, and they can't seem to make a decision at all. Worse yet, they create something that is comfortable to all members - a camel of their own making.
Ghandi says numbers are the "delight of the timid." At some time or another, we all want the comfort of being surrounded by others with interests common to us. Maybe it's on sales meeting day when the discussion turns into a gripe session. Maybe it's in the break room, around the proverbial "water cooler," or in a training class we've just taken. Wherever the group meets, the results are often the same - a lack of action backed up by all the reasons that justify the inaction.
Ghandi also says the glory is "in fighting alone." Look around. Do you see one or two individuals who spend little of their time with the group? Sometimes called "loners," these are usually also the over-achievers, the top producers in life and business. They know where they're going and they don't need your approval to do it. The committee says they aren't "team players."
Being human, it is certainly normal to seek the comfort of others. In the case of those few individuals described as "the Valiant in spirit," however, their strength comes from their accomplishments. In each of us, there is also that "Valiant" spirit - the part of us that wants to strike out on our own. You can do that by resigning from the committees of your life. Elect yourself President and Chairman of the Board of your own future - and make it unanimous!

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