Monday, August 31, 2015

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Hello all,

"The most wonderful time of the year"

My yearly salute to the hardest working Mom's and Dad's in Real Estate! For those of you who had the kids in tow all summer give yourself a big pat on the back. For those of you who had the Teenagers home, well, we can thank them for being able to handle our clients with a little more patience and humility... Click on the link for a little back to school fun.

Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee

"Life is not always what the brochure promises."
~ Amb Alon Pinkas
So . . . which brochure have you been reading? Maybe it's the one that promises "clear sailing" or "romantic sunsets" or "excitement guaranteed!" Maybe you're into the financial brochures that read "no money down" or "financial freedom in 30 days" or "sell a million dollars a month without leaving home."
For many years now, the brochures of our lives have promised and delivered success, satisfaction, and wealth. It's been a good run. There's another brochure many of us have signed onto - "for better or for worse." Notice that the "for better" comes first, and so it has been for a long time.
Nevertheless, our country experiences cycles, as do our lives. Few of us living today have ever experienced a serious "for worse" part of the national cycle. Yet, it has been those periods in the history of our country that have brought out the best in us. The Great Depression of the thirties was the catalyst for the strong work ethic of the baby boomers. Two world wars taught us to value our freedom.
So, maybe life isn't always "what the brochure promises." If we're entering one of those periods when we are to be tested, so be it. We are a resilient people. While we may have been dozing at the internal security wheel, lulled by the smooth purring of our national economic engine, we are also able to awaken in an instant. Our purpose and principles can quickly be brought to full throttle.
No matter the threat, we are a people united by the brochure's great promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - ready, willing, and able to serve. Be alert and be of service!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Inventory Levels

Hello all.

"Inventory Levels"

As always we need to keep an eye on the trends in the market. Wanted to make sure everyone knew that inventory levels have been rising steadily the last 30 days or so. We are at the same levels in the offices that we were in April. The difference being that there are not as many buyers out right now as there was in the spring so... days on market is increasing, more competition for your sellers and basic supply and demand will affect pricing. Very important to keep your sellers and buyers in the loop to market conditions so they can properly adjust. Hoping for a different outcome but the same thing happened this time last year and we limped to the 2014 finish line. Still plenty of business to be had and those who work the hardest will prosper. 

Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee

"When people are highly motivated, it's easy to accomplish the impossible. And when they're not, it's impossible to accomplish the easy."
~ Bob Collings (Cited in BITS & PIECES)
Beginning in the late '60s, a revolution of sorts began in this country. It was a revolution that was irreverent at times, almost always anti-establishment, and it turned many traditional social customs upside-down.
How did it begin? The young, many of college-student age, began to ask WHY? They challenged everything by asking a simple question - WHY? Why must it be so? Why is this or that the "right" way? Why can't I try a new approach? Everything that had been taken for granted by the establishment up to that time was up for grabs.
Voila! The country changed and will never be the same. Was the change all for the good? Hardly. Families suffered. The security blanket of social customs was yanked away. Collectively, we had to find a new direction, new meaning, for our lives. Was it worth two decades of turmoil? So it would seem.
Today's young families seem to be returning to principle-centered living. They are more sophisticated. They understand and adopt good personal money-management philosophies, and they still ask "why?"
The "why" of today, however, is more constructive. It has led to astounding advances in technology. When you ask a "why" today, you can locate the answer in minutes via the Internet. Audio books, motivational tapes, and "online" educational courses make it possible to become enlightened without the need for social revolution.
What about you? Are you asking "WHY?" often enough? Today, the world is yours if you know how to ask the right questions! The "ask why" generation's gift to all of us was the freedom to question and learn, guilt-free. Want to grow as a person? Start asking "WHY?"!

Monday, August 17, 2015

It's Still Real Estate

Hello all,

"It's Still Real Estate"

Whenever I get back from a long Real Estate seminar I usually write the same message,and, well it's still Real Estate. Outside of the online lead generation phenomenon the basics of the business have not changed. Sphere of Influence, Referrals, Repeat Clients, Farming, Open Houses, Floor Duty... and most importantly good old fashion hard work every day is what makes us successful. The more things change the more they stay the same, basics, basics, basics...  These seminars are great to attend to get the blood flowing and to pick up some of the little things that make us better.  I will share with whoever would like to attend the tidbits we picked up at my monthly training Wednesday, if you have not registered and would like to please email Dana.

Enjoy the Coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee

Everyone says it differently, but the message is the same. Here are three oft-quoted thoughts on "thinking":
"You are what you think about all day long."
"Your life is what your thoughts make of it."
"As you think, so shall you be."
What is a thought? Scientifically speaking, it is nothing more than a random electrical impulse in the brain. If you are relaxing, not focusing on any particular thoughts, your brain continues to fire off those random impulses which, in turn, are triggering random, unfocused thoughts - like the itch on your arm, how hummingbirds fly, or your Aunt Ellen's new car.
What's interesting is that everything in sight of you right now is the result of someone's focused thoughts. The computer screen, the window nearby, and the chair in which you are sitting came into existence as the result of a single focused thought. Henry Ford thought about a V-8 engine for his cars, and then insisted that his engineers create it. Jonas Sauk thought about eliminating polio - and did.
Whether you choose to focus your thoughts or not, your day will be filled with them. They just don't stop. But wait - there's an "Aha!" or a "Voila!" in here for you. Just think of the possibilities when you realize the power of thought - and put it to work for you. The amazing thing about thoughts is that you have complete control over them. You either put these electrical impulses to work for you through focused attention - or they happen anyway, but in a random, impotent manner akin to a static electrical discharge.
Everything tangible in our world today was created by an action, preceded by someone's thought - from a straight pin to a Pentium processor, from a blight-free American chestnut tree to your garage-door opener. So - what thoughts will you be having today?
They don't have to be life-changing or global in scope to make your personal world better. They need only be focused. Just remember, you control your thoughts - and their possibilities are endless.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Tom Ferry/California

Hello all,

"Tom Ferry/California"

Lisa and I will be spending the week in San Diego at the Tom Ferry Summit. This year the Summit will also be available on a broadcast basis. We have purchased it and will be showing it in the Germantown Training Center, 12-8 Eastern time Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This not a formal training, no moderator and you can come and go as you please however we do ask everyone to be respectful of others as you do so.  As a special treat and I can't begin to tell you how proud I am, Lisa will be on stage on front of 5,000 people sometime Thursday between 1:45-3:15! She will be on a panel of Top Producers and they will be discussing Team building. As always Lisa and I will come back with a much good stuff as possible to share with you all! 

Enjoy the coffee,

 Monday Morning Coffee

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
- Theodore Roosevelt
In an old "Peanuts" cartoon, Sally is making a list while Charlie Brown looks on. Sally says, "I'm making a list of all the things I've learned in life . . ." In the next panel she continues with, "Well, actually, I'm making two lists." Charlie questions, "Why is one list longer than the other?" Holding up the much longer list, Sally explains, "These are the things I've learned the hard way!"
It's easy to chuckle a little at the part about "learning things the hard way," isn't it? We've all done that. There's really a more revealing message in this simple cartoon.
The short list of things we've learned generally contains lessons that required no effort, or lessons we learned passively, while just listening or observing. For instance, we learned simple courtesies from our first grade teacher. We learned historical names and dates from our history teacher. We learned to tie knots from our scout leader. Our parents taught us to share. The list goes on.
The important list, the one that's much longer, contains the things we've learned from experience. These lessons are endless, and no matter how trifling the lesson, we learned one every time we took action. We dared to try a two-wheel bicycle and crashed - several times. We tried out for the school play - and made fools of ourselves in front of friends.
By attempting - at the possible expense of our pride, our self-esteem, or our physical well-being - we either succeeded or failed (and learned a lesson). It is our actions that produce results and teach us those valuable lessons. Teddy Roosevelt said it right: "Far better to dare mighty things . . ."

Monday, August 3, 2015

Good Read

Hello all,

"Good Read"

I read this in Business Insider a little while back and it really it home. It was entitled "What successful people don't do". Hope you enjoy it.

1. They never let the past dictate their future.

We all have limitations. We all have challenges. We all make mistakes. The key is to not be constrained by those things but to learn from them.
Easier said than done? It all depends on your perspective. Take mistakes: When something goes wrong, turn it into an opportunity to learn something you didn't know — especially about yourself. (And when something goes wrong for someone else, turn it into an opportunity to be gracious and forgiving.)
Where you've been, what you've done — everything in the past is just training.
Remarkably successful people believe their past should inform them but should never define them.

2. They never gossip.

It's hard to resist the inside scoop. Finding out the reasons behind someone's decisions, the motivations behind someone's actions, the skinny behind someone's hidden agenda — much less whether Hugo is really dating Jeanette in accounting — those conversations are hard to resist.
Unfortunately, the person who gossips about other people is also gossiping about you. And suddenly gossip isn't so much fun.
The next time you're tempted to talk about another person, think about whether you would say what you're about to say to that person.
And the next time someone starts to talk about someone else, excuse yourself and walk away. Don't worry that you'll lose a gossiper's respect; anyone willing to gossip doesn't respect other people anyway.
When remarkably successful people want to share the inside scoop, they just speak openly about their own thoughts and feelings. That way they're not gossiping. They're just being genuine.

3. They never say "yes" when they really mean "no."

Refusing a request from colleagues, customers, or even friends is really hard. But rarely does saying no go over as badly as you expect. Most people will understand, and if they don't, should you care too much about what they think?
When you say no, you only feel bad for a few moments. When you agree to something you really don't want to do, you may feel bad for a long time — or at least as long as it takes you to do what you didn't want to do in the first place.
Remarkably successful people practice saying no. They've gotten really good at saying no. They know that lets them focus on doing what they really need to do: for themselves and for other people.

4. They never interrupt.

When you interrupt someone, what you're really saying is, "I'm not thinking about what you are saying. I'm thinking about what I want to say ... and what I want to say is so important you need to hear it now."
Want better professional relationships? Want better personal relationships? Listen, truly listen, to what other people say. Then ask questions to make sure you understand.
Remarkably successful people already know what they think — they want to learn from what everyone else thinks.

Late!Stephen/FlickrSuccessful people make it a priority to be on time.

5. They're never late (without an incredibly good reason).

I know. You're overwhelmed. So you're always running behind. It stresses you out like crazy.
And it makes other people resent you like crazy. Whenever you're late, other people rightly assume you feel your time is more important than theirs. (Which, of course, kills your chance of building an outstanding personal or professional relationship.)
Although you may believe you can't help it, being late is a choice. You allow yourself to be late.
Remarkably successful people start the day a little day earlier. They arrive early to their first scheduled event. They don't worry that they'll waste time — they plan ahead and bring along whatever they need to use any "early" time to get a few simple things done.
Then they feel a lot less stressed and as a result are more insightful, more creative, more decisive, and simply more "on" in everything they do.

6. They never resent.

Take it from Nelson Mandela: "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies."
The same holds for bitterness. And jealousy. And dislike.
When you hold on to ill will, the only person who loses is you.
Remarkably successful people put all that emotional energy into focusing not on what others have done but on what they themselves will do.

7. They never decide they don't have the time.

Everyone knows someone who just seems to get a lot more done than other people. It's the craziest thing. How do these folks do it? They must have no life, right?
Actually they have a great life: They've figured out what is important to them and they're making it happen.
Figure out what's important to you. Strip away all the stuff that isn't. Then make it happen.
We're all given the same amount of time. The only difference is how we use our time.
Remarkably successful people use their time.

8. They never fit in (just to fit in).

Though entire industries are based on making us think otherwise, no one actually likes us for the clothes we wear, the car we drive, or the house we live in. No one likes us for our titles, either.
Those are all "things," and while other people may in fact like our "things," that doesn't mean they like you. (And even if they do, that doesn't mean you like yourself.)
Remarkably successful people have decided to simply be who they are. By not trying to fit in or make an artificial impression they know they might lose a bunch of acquaintances, but they know they'll also gain a few real friends.

9. They're never afraid to do the things that matter.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself," is true, but in some ways a better quote might be, "The only thing we have to fear is ourselves."
Why? We're all afraid. We're scared of what might or might not happen. We're scared of what we can't change. We're scared of what we won't be able to do. We're scared of how others might perceive us.
And that makes us hesitate, wait for the right moment, decide we need to think a little longer or do some more research or explore a few more alternatives, and days, weeks, months, and even years pass us by.
And so do our dreams.
Don't let your fears hold you back. Whatever you've been planning, whatever you've imagined, whatever you've dreamed of, get started on it today. If you want to start a business, take the first step. If you want to change careers, take the first step. If you want to expand or enter a new market or design new products or services, take the first step.
Remarkably successful people put their fears aside and get started. They do something. They do anything.
Remarkably successful people are often afraid, but they're most afraid of looking back and thinking, "If only I had ..."
Don't look back and think, "If only I had ..."

Enjoy the Coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee

"'Lucky' is what others will call you after your hard work produces results."
- Og Mandino
Ever hear your parents or grandparents tell you to "keep your nose to the grindstone" when explaining the secret to success? If so, they probably ended your education right there . . . leaving you totally in the dark about the meaning behind the expression.
Looking deeper, there were probably three key words: "keep," "nose," and "grindstone." "Keep" meant "Keep on keeping on!" It was another way of saying "Be persistent" or "Never, never, never quit!" Results in any legitimate pursuit are the product of total commitment to the outcome.
The second keyword - "nose" - referred to staying close to the matter at hand. Picture yourself at the grindstone, with your face - and nose - close to the turning stone. By keeping a close eye on the grinding process - by being completely focused - few errors can occur which, in turn, assures a successful outcome.
The final word - "grindstone" - refers to the work (or job) itself. You must first choose your objective, i.e. sharpening the blade at the grindstone, before applying any effort. You must choose a worthy objective before applying either persistence or focus.
Success is inevitable when you apply the grindstone principle. It's a cryptic message, yet so simple. Apply it to all aspects of your life and others will surely call you "lucky!"