Monday, May 18, 2015


Hello all,


Lisa and I spent a couple of days in California with the top producers in the Ferry organization. Always interesting when you get that many "personalities" in a room together. The hottest topic out there was online lead generation and the changes coming down the road both from a resource and financial standpoint. Where will the leads be coming from and how much will it cost? Different theory's of who will be best at producing them but across the board everyone agreed that the price will continue to go up substantially, double to triple today's rates. 

This business changes all of the time and will continue to do so. We need to focus on having diversity in our lead generation systems. If we have all of our eggs in one basket and the basket goes away or gets to expensive we are in deep doo doo. I know I have harped on this before but I believe it is the single most important thing we need to do in our business. Everyone should have a minimum of 3-4 different lead generation systems that they work. Marketing, Farming, Newsletters, SOI, Repeat Clients, Open Houses, Websites, Online Leads... 

As always, Mark and I are free to meet with you about this.

Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles he has overcome trying to succeed." 
~ Booker T. Washington 
Ever get that “burned out” feeling? You’re operating at maximum capacity and doing a darn good job of it, but the inspiration and the motivation start to wane. Don’t feel badly about it – after all, you can only really hit a slump when you’ve been experiencing a streak of success! Slumps do not happen to “losers,” because frankly, they’re always in a perpetual slump! 
So what can be done when you hit a bump in the road? Dr. Robert H. Schuller once observed that “when you can’t solve the problem, manage it.” Maybe you can’t control whatever outside forces are weighing down on your ability to move forward. You can, however, take a break and take a step back to look at things you actually can control. 
If you’re banging your head against a wall, please stop and walk away! If success lies beyond that wall, you’ll have a much better chance of getting there by going around your obstacles and not through them. Walls are not doorways – you need to refresh your perspective and find passage back to your previously winning ways. 
Perhaps you’ve just gotten so good at what you do that you’ve forgotten “the basics” of your activities. It’s like you’re operating on “auto-pilot,” and there are a thousand little details that you don’t even think about anymore as you carry on your routine. Take some time to “re-train” yourself. Start by pretending it’s your first day on the job and everything is new. 
New employees who have to learn the ropes often bring a fresh perspective that exposes ways to do things more efficiently. Look through your “apprentice” eyes for new ways of working, and it’s a good bet that your performance will improve, and you’ll find yourself operating with renewed enthusiasm. Now, give yourself a bonus! 

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