Monday, January 19, 2015


Hello all,


Lisa and I had the pleasure of spending a couple of days with arguably some of the highest producers and best minds in the business. There was certainly a couple of "Ah Ha" moments and some take away's we will be glad share with you all. However and at the end of the day the magical real estate "widget" has yet to be invented. Being able to throw a couple of grand at something and making a Million might have to wait for the next generation.

So for the current generation we will need to stick to the basics and continue doing what we have been doing. Lead generation, prospecting, phone calls, notes, newsletters, farming, marketing, open houses, floor duty... the most important and as always will be to outwork the competition everyday. We have the hardest working agents in the business in our offices and that work ethic will always put us on top! 

Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee

"If ever I go looking for my heart's desire, I won't look any further than my own backyard!"  
~ Dorothy (from the The Wizard of Oz) 
Have you ever made big plans to strike out in a new direction? Maybe you've dreamed of a better education, a new career, or the magic of some far away wonderland where life seems to come alive. You checked out your idea, researched all the possibilities, made plans, told your friends and family, and took the risk. 
Soon after beginning your quest, however, maybe you realized it wasn't for you. Guilt or embarrassment may have set in, and you weren't sure what to do. After all, you already told everyone about your grand plans, and now what would they think of you for making a 180¼ turn in midstream? 
John Greenleaf Whittier, in his well-known poem "Maud Muller," wrote "For all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: It might have been!" His message? Take a risk! Strike out on your own if that be your desire. Give it a try! Don't be afraid! In other words, don't let fear rob you of the opportunity to learn what "might have been." 
Better to take the chance and have no regrets, than to fear giving it a try. If you later find, to your chagrin, that the new direction is not right for you, try looking, as did Dorothy, in your own backyard. Very often, everything you needed to be totally fulfilled already existed at your beginning point. 
Remember - "There's no place like home!" 

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