"Marketing Focus"
Before you decide on your 2015 marketing plan/budget a couple of thoughts. First, don't be this guy...
Second, I heard a couple of stats about the market that got me thinking a bit. In normal years investors make up 20% of the market, so far this year it is 12%. First time home buyers usually make up 40% of the market and this year it is 19%. The investor part is easy, foreclosures and short sales are fading fast so a lot of the value for investors have left the market. The first time home buyer number is tougher to swallow. New rules passed about two weeks ago which will make it easier for new buyers to come into the market but it is a year off.
So where should we focus are marketing dollars in 2015? In my opinion it is with move up buyers. I would focus on a farm of townhouses ranging from $250.000-$400,000 and start working it hard, and harder, and harder... you get two sell and buys out of it that's 1.5M-2.0M in volume. Not a bad return on the investment.
Enjoy the coffee,
Sorry-It's a repeat.
"You've failed many times, although you may not remember. You fell down the first time you tried to walk. You almost drowned the first time you tried to swim, didn't you? Did you hit the ball the first time you swung a bat? Heavy hitters, the ones who hit the most home runs, also strike out a lot. R.H. Macy failed seven times before his store in New York caught on. English novelist John Creasey got 753 rejection slips before he published 564 books. Babe Ruth struck out 1,330 times, but he also hit 714 home runs. Don't worry about failure. Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try."
~ Full-page ad published in the Wall Street Journal by United Technologies
There's a wonderful story in "Chicken Soup For The Soul" about a 4th grade teacher and a funeral. The teacher had her students fill a sheet of notebook paper with all the things they couldn't do. They wrote furiously for quite a while filling their paper with "I can't do ten push-ups," or "I can't kick the soccer ball past second base," or "I can't get Debbie to like me."
The students were then instructed to fold their papers and place them into a shoe-box at the front of the room. The teacher then tucked the box under her arm, and invited the students to follow her out into the playground. There, they each took a turn at the shovel and dug a hole four feet deep. The box was placed in the hole and quickly covered with dirt.
The students then held hands while the instructor delivered a eulogy in memory of "I can't." In it, she noted that "I can't" was survived by his brothers and sister, "I can," "I will," and "I'm going to right away."
"I can't" is a close relative to most of us, yet maybe with a little extra effort we can finally let him go. It won't be easy since he's been such a close relation, yet maybe by dwelling on his brothers and sister and their importance to us - we can!
Remember the unforgettable line from "The Little Engine That Could"? "I think I can - I THINK I can! I THINK I CAN!" Don't forget the last line of our quote for the day. "Worry about the chances you'll miss when you don't even try!"
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