Monday, September 8, 2014

Store Your Nuts

Hello all,

"Store Your Nuts"

I consider myself an optimistic person with a conservative nature. The optimist in me says we are going to get another good waive of business and we will finish the year strong. Activity is picking back up and when that happens contracts follow. The conservative side of me notes that things have been slow for the past four weeks. More than likely the truth will be somewhere in the middle. However when we can't predict the fall and winter is right behind I suggest we get a little cautious with our cash flow and "Store Your Nuts".   

Enjoy the coffee,

    Monday Morning Coffee
"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality." 
~ Dante
Think there's any "moral crisis" going on in our country right now? What about in our city? Our schools? Our neighborhood? Where did it come from, and why are we facing these challenges?
We are a country - city - neighborhood - blessed with peace and prosperity. Our daily choices range from which SUV we will drive, to where we will dine next, to how we will redecorate our home this year. Our concerns include our child's upcoming soccer match, whether or not to refinance the house, making "Salesperson of the Year," and taking more time for golf or tennis.
With all the choices complemented by our affluence, we have also become compliant, accepting, and politically correct. We strive to please everyone, avoid "rocking the boat," and prefer the status quo. It's so much easier that way, isn't it?
In doing so, however, we may also abdicate responsibility for teaching our children the value of principle-centered living. What principles should we be teaching - and practicing? Why not adopt and teach the value of courage, diligence, faithfulness, generosity, cleanliness, honesty, encouragement, frugality, humility, industry, justice, moderation, order, resolution, silence, honesty, sincerity, temperance, and tranquility?
Imagine how the world around us would change if we taught and participated in more of these time-honored values. Remember that our country IS our cities, our neighborhoods, and our homes. What begins at the grass roots level - literally in our own backyards - can be spread throughout the world. Abandon neutrality and you can change the world!

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