Monday, March 31, 2014

First Quarter

Hello all,

"First Quarter"

Overall the weather was not our friend in the first quarter for the region. Year over year the number of transactions are down about 8% however the volume is up around 7%, this is due to the average sales price going up. With the prediction out there that the number of transactions will be going up by 10% this year I believe we are set up for a big second and third quarter. I am very pleased to say the year over year sales volume for the three offices is up 30% for the first quarter! This is because of the increase in sales price but most importantly agent growth. Thank you all for being the best of the best and being a part of our offices!

Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee
"Despair is the price one pays for setting himself an impossible aim." 
~ Graham Greene 
This weekly column often encourages you to reach high and focus your energy towards achieving your dreams. What happens when the dream eludes you, or you feel that you're not measuring up against the standards of your peers? 
Sometimes we do set our sights too high, or expect to reach them in an unreasonably short period of time. Just as important as establishing a goal is to map out an intelligent route. It's not usually all Super Highway between where we are and where we want to go. There are often plenty of other roads leading to and from that freeway, and you shouldn't drive 70 mph on a narrow two-lane country road! 
But... what better place to slow down and enjoy the scenery? It's these paths that define the greatest part of our experience, and we shouldn't overlook them because we're so focused on the ultimate objective. Strangely enough, the things we see and experience along the way often lead us to change our path - or even our destination. 
Ignore the worry-warts and over-achievers who want to know why it's taking you so darn long to get there. There is no time limit on success. You'll get there when you get there, and you won't be too old for it when you do. Success is sweet at any age, but it tastes best washing down a lifetime of experience, pleasure, and pride in one's work. 
Achievement is a certificate that never expires, and there's no "due date." With the right attitude, you'll find small successes every day to keep your outlook positive and your life moving forward - at your own pace. When you make it clear that you are in the driver's seat and enjoying the trip, others will find themselves wanting to get on board. Happy motoring! 

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