Monday, April 15, 2013

Mark Strosnider

Hello all,

"Mark Strosnider"

It is with great pleasure that we are announcing Mark has been promoted to General Manager overseeing the three offices. Since coming on board Mark has done a great job in recruiting and developing agents. Marks main focus will be working with the Branch Managers in regards to the needs of the agents. You all will have great resources in Mark and your Branch Manager to help with your Real Estate careers. I will continue to focus on the operations of the three offices. At todays sales meeting we will be distributing a "Who's Who" in the company and their job description so you know who to turn to when situations arise.

Sales Meeting Today - Please remember we have a guest speaker starting at 10:30. Would love to see as many of you there as possible.

Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee

"Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have got it, you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known."  
~ Garrison Keillor
The next time your hope or ambition is thwarted, and you believe that you didn't get what you wanted, think about the quote above. The problem so many of us have is that we're not happy with what we've already got. We believe that there is something or someone else out there, outside of ourselves, that will make us happier than we are now. 
It's really so much easier to simply find a way to appreciate what we've got. That's not to say that we should all become complacent. Doing things to make other people happy is a wonderful diversion from trying to do so for ourselves. Just remember that you are the one who is ultimately responsible for your happiness, not the "something or someone" that is outside of you. 
While trying to make others happy, also remember that they are ultimately responsible for their happiness as well. Don't blame yourself if you don't think you did enough to cheer up a friend, or you weren't able to give them that gift they really wanted. The greatest gift you can give is to help someone realize that they already have everything they really need. Sometimes this is the gift you need to give yourself. 
Sit down today and try counting your blessings - list things like family, friends, pets, mobility, a satisfying job, shelter, financial independence, food in the fridge - any and all things great and small. Stand back and take a look at the "Big Picture." No matter what you think you want, you'll realize that you've got it pretty darn good right here, right now. Anything else is just icing on the cake! Enjoy the sweetness! 

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