"Excellence is a moving target"
This one of my favorite sayings in life and in business. What it means is no matter how good we get at our craft things around us are always changing so we need to be constantly seeking knowledge and making changes in the way we do things to stay on top. I just spent three days at a commercial real estate symposium and I will be the first to tell you that 50% of the time it was a painful experience but very necessary. The other 50% was either a great learning experience or was spent networking with other agents which can be a great energy booster. We need to do theses things to be the best that we can be. The reason I bring this up is I would like to talk about the two training's we have coming up.
Fall Training Series- The full series is intended for newer agents and or agents who are looking to get a little jump start to there business. Combine this with the Peak Producers class after the first of the year whoever takes both should be well on there way to bigger and better things. However I would like everyone to take a look at the individual classes and see if there is a training that would help them out.
Verl Workman Seminar- This is a one day event and I fully expect as many of you to be there as possible. If you have a closing, something already scheduled... I understand that you can't make it. However if you have nothing going on and you just don't want to go you will be missing out. Verl is a very high energy high knowledge person and I guarantee you will come away with some items that will help you with your business, no matter what level agent you are. There will also be 100+ agents there from our offices and others, a great networking opportunity and energy booster. For our Mortgage and Title affiliates please feel free to invite as many of your people as you like.
Enjoy the coffee,
"You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."
~ Unattributed
It was refreshing to read the article entitled "Thirty Under Thirty" in the REALTOR(r) magazine. Thirty agents under the age of thirty talked about their approach to real estate, and most seemed to "think outside the box." They didn't appear to be bound by conventional rules of marketing conduct.
Think back to when you were a young child. You were totally uninhibited by rules, so you weren't afraid to try new things. Back then, there wasn't even a "box" to confine your thinking or actions. You did whatever worked for you.
Then, you began to grow up and your parents, then your teachers, began building a box for you. "Stay in line, be quiet, don't touch this or that," they admonished. "Good little girls and boys don't talk back, eat snacks between meals, or chew with their mouths open."
The rules got more sophisticated as you got older, and you began to conform. Now you're all grown up, comfortable in the box the world built for you, and it's not so easy anymore to "think outside the box".
Not so for the newcomers - the youth of the real estate industry. They are enthusiastic, energetic, and with their "no rules" thinking, they're going to mop up on those competitors who are too comfortable in their box.
If you've been in the business for more than ten years, you have one powerful advantage over the newbies - real estate wisdom. You're a survivor and know your way around the business. Now it's just a question of combining that base of knowledge with some of the unfettered new thinking of the under 30 crowd. Old dogs CAN learn new tricks, after all!