“Back to School”
This is an annual Monday Morning Coffee that I send out to congratulate all of the parents in the office. The balance between work, family and personal needs can be very difficult in our business. Having the children home all summer (even though we love them) can throw a big wrench into the balance. So to all of you parents who made it through the summer and are delivering your children back to the school system today, congratulations! I found out this summer that this goes to another level as they get older… I delivered our oldest to Towson University yesterday. There comes a time in their lives where you are ready for them to go and THEY are ready to go. Personal note- Starting with our oldest we will have a kid in college each of the next 10 years, 4 of the years 3 will be in at the same time, 2 of the years 2 will be in and the other 4 just one. Below is the famous Staples back to school commercial to get you in the mood.
Enjoy the coffee,
"Learn to let go. That is the key to happiness."
- The Buddha
Remember the song "Please release me, let me go"? If you've ever felt that someone or something had a hold on you and wouldn't let go, perhaps you needed an "attitude adjustment."
Why? Unless you are literally chained to a wall, people and things don't have a "hold" on you. It is you who have taken hold of them, and refuse to let go. It's so easy to latch on to the situations, relationships, and baggage of others - believing it possible to have some control over their outcome.
The result is never-ending worry, sleeplessness, feelings of helplessness, and other symptoms of being "out-of-control." Anger is another matter - there seems to be so much of it today. TV shows are full of it. Anger is directed at family, the boss, the spouse, or anyone else in sight. Yet anger results from feeling that things or people are not doing what you think should be done. Anger is felt when you can't control the outcome.
The truth is we are only in control of our own lives and actions - nothing more. Buddha had it right when he said, "Learn to let go." Martin Luther said, "Let go and let God." Regardless of who said it, or how it was said, letting go will open many doors of happiness in your future.