Monday, November 30, 2015


Hello all,


Click to play the Video

Mark will be sending new ICA'S to everyone with his signature as the Broker through Docusign.

No changes to the Split Program, Monthly Fee or Office Space Programs.

The CAP number is going from $18,000 to $19,900 on the 80% program.

Mark or I are available to sit down with everyone to review your program for 2016.

Please watch the video for further explanation.

Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee
"The greatest pleasure I have known is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident."
~ Charles Lamb (1775-1834)
Here's a "feel good" idea that pays big dividends to both giver and receiver: "Give something away every day!"
We all get caught up in our day-to-day routines and responsibilities. Between family and home, work and leisure, our daily schedules are usually packed with the things we do for ourselves. Managing to squeeze in a little time for others is often out of the question.
In the big picture, however, it is not what we do for ourselves but for others that really matters in life. We're not just talking about those who are "less fortunate" in this context. The world of "others" includes family members, associates, the elderly, those experiencing illness, those in our geographical, social, faith community, or the less fortunate.
So . . . what do you give away? Are we talking big money to charities or an endowment to the local university? Nope! What you give away is up to you. It might just be your time - something as simple as taking your grandchild for a walk, offering to take an aging neighbor grocery shopping, or donating a Saturday to Habitat for Humanity. On days when you lack ideas, just give away a smile, a compliment, or some encouragement.
Maybe you give away some of your material possessions. That might include a piece of furniture, an antique, a piece of family heirloom jewelry, or the like-new clothing in your closet that never fit right. Why not donate some of the kids' toys to a day-care center?
Whatever you decide to give away, do it quietly - and anonymously when possible. Make it a habit. It will bring you the special joy of knowing you've made a difference.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello all,

"Happy Thanksgiving"

Wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you get to spend plenty of time with those that matter the most to you. Family first and let's try to put the phones down for a while... Please remember you can't pick your Sister In Law so spread the love throughout.

Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee
"The greatest pleasure I have known is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident."
~ Charles Lamb (1775-1834)
Here's a "feel good" idea that pays big dividends to both giver and receiver: "Give something away every day!"
We all get caught up in our day-to-day routines and responsibilities. Between family and home, work and leisure, our daily schedules are usually packed with the things we do for ourselves. Managing to squeeze in a little time for others is often out of the question.
In the big picture, however, it is not what we do for ourselves but for others that really matters in life. We're not just talking about those who are "less fortunate" in this context. The world of "others" includes family members, associates, the elderly, those experiencing illness, those in our geographical, social, or church community, or the less fortunate.
So . . . what do you give away? Are we talking big money to charities or an endowment to the local university? Nope! What you give away is up to you. It might just be your time - something as simple as taking your grandchild for a walk, offering to take an aging neighbor grocery shopping, or donating a Saturday to Habitat for Humanity. On days when you lack ideas, just give away a smile, a compliment, or some encouragement.
Maybe you give away some of your material possessions. That might include a piece of furniture, an antique, a piece of family heirloom jewelry, or the like-new clothing in your closet that never fit right. Why not donate some of the kids' toys to a day-care center?
Whatever you decide to give away, do it quietly - and anonymously when possible. Make it a habit. It will bring you the special joy of knowing you've made a difference.

Monday, November 16, 2015


Hello all,


Thought this was a good read and a good approach.

  • Price estimates are largely determined by an algorithm, as opposed to a real estate professional, and they often miss the mark when it comes to the final sales price.
  • Consequently, agents are spending too much of their time addressing the misconceptions about AVMs, rather than focusing on the more important conversations they should have with their clients.
  • Most consumers stick to one -- maybe two -- search sites total. When an agent presents clients with half a dozen other price estimates, it helps dislodge the clients' misconceptions. 
  • Don't just use AVMS; overuse them.
One of the hottest discussion topics in real estate today is the presence of automated valuation models (AVM) — the estimated property prices on third-party search sites. Those price estimates are largely determined by an algorithm, as opposed to a real estate professional, and they often miss the mark when it comes to the final sales price.
Real estate agents are continually frustrated by consumers who see these price estimates and take them as a gold standard for what the asking price should be.
Consequently, agents are spending too much of their time addressing the misconceptions about AVMs, rather than focusing on the more important conversations they should have with their clients.
The reality is that these AVMs aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, and since they are now a part of the real estate landscape, here’s an approach real estate agents use to make the most of them.

The best AVM approach to take

Let’s take the typical scenario where a client comes to you already having looked up what their house is worth on a third-party search site. They have that number firmly in mind, and now your hurdle is to get them to see a price that is more in line with the local market trends.
Typically, a real estate agent’s response at this point in the conversation is to point out the fundamental flaws with AVMs and steer the conversation toward why they — or any agent — are more qualified than a computer algorithm to come up with an estimate.
While this might be true, one drawback is the client’s skepticism that comes when they hear an agent trying to defend their role in the process.
Instead, try this approach.
When clients mention they saw the estimate on a website, pull out your own stack of AVMs from as many search sites as you can find.

Why it works

Most consumers stick to one — maybe two — search sites total. When an agent presents clients with half a dozen other price estimates, not only does he or she demonstrate being well-versed in what’s going on online, but they also immediately prove that any individual AVM is just a ballpark figure.
When a client sees six different price estimates for the same property, they can’t help but realize that the one they researched isn’t set in stone.
This little preparation helps agents tremendously during a listing presentation because they don’t have to spend nearly as much time correcting misconceptions or trying to find that delicate balance of proving their value as an agent without coming across as defensive.
In addition to the free, public sites available on the Internet, Cloud CMA and Homesnap both provide comparative market analyses and include price estimates in their reports.
In short, don’t just use AVMs. Overuse them.
Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee
"Opportunities are seldom labeled."
~ John A. Shedd
From "Wellsprings of Wisdom" by Ralph Woods comes this story:
A successful businessman was invited to address a group of young executives on the subject of opportunities. He began his talk by tacking to the wall a big sheet of white paper and placing a black dot in the middle of the sheet. "What do you see?" he asked, pointing to the paper on the wall. "A black spot," called out everyone in the audience. "Yes, I see a black dot too," replied the speaker, "but none of you saw the much greater expanse of white. This is the point of my talk on opportunities."
While it is so easy to focus on the "black dots" - the immediate tasks that face us each day - how often do you grasp the opportunities that no one else notices in the white space? Don't answer that you haven't the time to notice the white space. Do you ever find yourself daydreaming? When you do, you're visiting that white space. The question is: Do you recognize your ability to bring those daydreams to fruition?
Look around you. Do you find yourself envying what others accomplish? Perhaps you can learn from their example. All they have done is to act on their dreams - to recognize the value of their white space and put it into motion.
So - what's missing in your life? Why not try filling in the blanks - the white spaces - with the achievement of your dreams? Maybe a legal pad and pencil can help. Try making a list of every dream you've ever had. Write them all down, all of them. When you finish, place an asterisk next to the five you would most like to accomplish or experience.
Finally, make those five items the "black dots" upon which you will focus until completed. Once identified, it becomes much easier to concentrate your attention on them. Opportunity knocks!

Monday, November 9, 2015


Hello all,

"GCAAR Dues"

This is my annual email reminder about your GCAAR dues. I understand it can be difficult pill to swallow this time of year. However it is a bill that must be paid so we need to budget for it accordingly. Everyone Agent in the office must be a member of either GCAAR or FCAAR to be part of the office, no exceptions. We will start sending reminder emails to anyone who has not paid towards the end of the month. The bill must be paid by the end of the year. If the bill is not paid by the end of the year the Broker can become responsible for it. Please plan accordingly and thanks for understanding.

Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee
"Temperance in all things!"
~ Harry S. Truman
Extreme or Temperate?
You can see it on TV almost every day - extreme football, extreme wrestling, extreme police chases, extreme everything. The TV networks seem to be competing to capture our attention with one-upsmanship to the extreme.
If you're in your 20's to mid 30's, doing things to the extreme may be attractive to you. If you're 35-45, you may be starting to question whether it's necessary to carry things quite so far. If you're over 45, your age of wisdom may have set in - leading you in another direction - towards temperance. The good news is that it's beneficial at any age.
Recently on TV, there was an old interview with Harry Truman at the age of 77. The interviewer David Susskind asked, "To what do you attribute your energy and vitality at age 77?" Truman shot back with noticeable conviction, "Temperance in all things. I take plenty of rest, sleep well at night, and eat the right foods. That leaves me ready to face the challenges of being president."
What a simple word - "temperance." Webster defines it as "moderation in action or thought; restraint; marked by moderation, as in keeping within limits." It does not mean total abstinence or prohibition of action. It is merely a concept that takes into account reasonable, self-imposed limits.
Some see temperance as "clean living." By whatever name, it can bring peace, tranquility, good health, high self-esteem, satisfaction, and financial freedom. What are your self-imposed limits?

Monday, November 2, 2015


Hello all,


Pleased to announce I recently accepted a part time position with the Tom Ferry organization as a part time coach. I am very proud and honored by this. The overall reason for me to do it is to be a part of their ecosystem so I can bring back exciting, up to date ideas for the agents in our office. It would be impossible for me to coach everyone in the office however I will be turning my monthly training into a group coaching session. Free for all and the more the merrier! However it will come with accountability and homework so if you would like to participate please be prepared for both. This is not intended in anyway to replace one on one coaching that some of you are currently in with Ferry or any other organization. First session will be 11/16 at 10:30 in Germantown.

Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee
"Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it will elude you. But if you turn your attention to other things, it comes softly and sits on your shoulder."
~ Anonymous
Imagine you've planned the trip of your dreams - say from North Carolina to Colorado. You've charted all the roads, have a fist full of maps just in case, and have your priorities straight in your mind. You get started on a beautiful sunny day, and begin enjoying the ride.
Late in the day, as you approach the Mississippi River, you drive straight into a bank of heavy fog. You turn on your lights, but still cannot see 10 feet ahead. Just because the highway is out of sight doesn't mean you've lost your way. Continuing on the path you've set for yourself, you soon break out into the sunshine again - still headed in the direction of your dreams.
In perspective, consider that the trip represents your life's goal - your first priority. Steering your vehicle down the highway hour by hour represents your efforts to reach your goal. The fog bank illustrates the momentary interruptions and obstacles encountered on your journey.
As day #2 begins, you find that you've come to an unexpected intersection - one that's not on your map. Confused, you pull over and examine the map closely. Stay to the right and you'll end up in Colorado. Take a left and you may arrive at an unanticipated, yet equally wonderful destination.
OK, let's cut to the chase! Sometimes your priorities change, don't they? Just as you think your goal is in sight, a new opportunity arises. Remember the saying that "life is a journey - not a destination"? What's exciting is that YOU are in control of the steering wheel, and whatever destination you choose is OK - so long as it's YOU who has made the choice.
Happy motoring!