"Young Guns"
Next month we will be starting a new program in the office for our slightly younger agents, affiliates and friends of the office. The "Young Guns" program will be for anyone 35 or younger. It will be a great opportunity for everyone to get to know each other, we will have more experienced agents and affiliates do presentations and hopefully provide a good social platform for everyone as well. I enjoy quoting Walt Disney for these type of events "No one in the room is smarter then everyone in the room" so please come prepared to absorb and share ideas. The first get together will be 8/26, Noon at Lakewood Country Club for lunch (Flyer Attached). At the first meeting we will be discussing agendas, locations... for future meetings. Dana will be sending out a sign up sheet in the Wednesday memo and we would love to have as many of you participate as possible!
Time to get our toes out of the sand and our working shoes on for the second half of the year. Inventory levels are still fairly high and let's make it happen over the next couple of months, because, well, winter will be coming...
Enjoy the coffee,
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
Ah, the concepts of failure and success. Our perspective on each has an effect on nearly every aspect of our lives - work, play, and relationships. How do we define our failures and our successes, or our potential for each? If you're taking a multiple-choice exam, then the answer is pretty easy - it's how many correct answers you mark versus how many incorrect answers. The more you mark correctly, the more successful you are on the exam.
Although life can be seen as a series of "multiple choice" problems, there is not necessarily an instructor giving us the answers from which to choose, or who can "grade" our performance once we've chosen. It is really up to us to evaluate our choices and our actions. Yet so many of us look to others to measure our success.
Who's the top producer in your office? Who has the most base hits on your league's softball team? We often define success by a single aspect of someone's performance. Every person is an individual, who needs to decide for himself or herself how to define his or her success. If you're simply measuring yourself against everyone else, or what you believe everyone else expects of you, you may be cheating yourself out of true happiness.
Don't try to please everyone, because it simply cannot be done. But pleasing yourself is easy when you do the best you can - at work, at the gym, at home - and know in your heart that you've succeeded according to the goals you've established for yourself. Don't let anyone tell you that you're a failure because you haven't "measured up" against someone else or their definition of success.
You're a winner every day that you believe you're a winner. Start telling yourself today that you are a success, that you will be a success, and follow your ambition as far as it will lead you - that's all there is to it!