Monday, June 25, 2012

Shut Down Time

Hello all,

"Shut Down Time"

We never want to stop doing what we need to do for our business or our money making activities. Because, well, we never want to stop making money! Most of the top agents have this on auto pilot. However this time of year and over the winter holidays we need to shut it down a bit mentally, spend some time with family, friends and refuel the tank for the next wave of activity. One of my shut down areas is with the Monday Morning Coffee, this will be my last one for a bit. Please make sure you take the time to relax and enjoy yourself, life is not just about Real Estate.

Enjoy the Coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee


"The beginning of thought is in disagreement,not only with others but also with ourselves."

~ Eric Hoffer


It’s safe to say that the best results are produced when people work together. Solo projects often suffer from a one-sided perspective and lack of meaningful input. This isn’t to say that you can’t accomplish a lot when working on your own – it takes time and concentration to make progress. Just make sure that you involve other people in your work.

It’s especially helpful when those “team mates” aren’t just “yes men” who always agree with you or fear to offer a different point of view. It’s really essential that the problem is analyzed from at least two sides, and that everyone applies their particular strengths where they’re most needed.

Think about it – there are those who are great at organizing and beginning projects, and there are those who are great finishers. Sometimes we describe folks as “big picture” people, while others are really “good at the details.” Some very creative people easily lose interest once a project is begun, while those who display tenacity might not be so talented at dreaming up the next big thing.

You’ve figured out by now that the point is that it takes both types (or even three or four types) of people to create and complete a project successfully. By involving others whose traits and perspectives are opposite from your own, you’re guaranteeing a better chance of wider acceptance of the results.

While it’s great to have confidence in your work, you shouldn’t be so egocentric that you don’t believe anyone else can offer valuable input or find a better way by looking at things from a fresh perspective. You’ll garner respect and find success when you invite criticism and disagreement. Care to debate it?

Monday, June 18, 2012

Proud Papa

Hello all,

"Proud Papa"

RE/MAX International does two main events each year. The Realtor conference which was in Vegas and the Broker/Owner conference which is being held in Washington DC this August. It is a two day event that features networking, guest speakers, but mostly it is training sessions for the Broker/Owners on business practices, Re/MAX Systems... Our Mark Strosnider was contacted by RE/MAX International and was asked to sit on a panel at the conference to discuss and train other Broker/Owners on recruiting. Mark's skill set in this field has been has been a tremendous benefit to the company and I am so happy to see him get the national recognition that he deserves. Next time you see Mark please give him a pat on the back for a job well done. Best part for me is I get to sit in the audience like a "Proud Papa" watching my competition in awe of Mark on the stage!

If you have clients looking for new construction Clarksburg is where it is happening. Below is a flyer for an open house there tomorrow. Good stuff and I encourage everyone to get there if they can.

Enjoy the coffee,

Inline image 1

Monday Morning Coffee


"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."

~ Carl Bard


Sometimes we look back on past events and wish that we had a "do over." While we should try to avoid regrets, it's still a good idea to analyze what we've done and try to understand how we might have done things better. Of course, there's no changing the past, but that doesn't mean that the past can't or won't change our future.

Maybe there's a relationship that has deteriorated over the years. Perhaps by now you've forgotten who was right or who was wrong, or maybe it's just a question of having lost touch. This is not a case of needing a brand new start, but of reworking the ending.

Since you can't "edit" the past, start writing a new chapter right now! While you have no control over what you have done, you do have complete control over what you are going to do. It can be very empowering when you realize that you actually have it in your command to create the future and the relationships that you want.

And it's not just about relationships - it can be about building wealth if you've squandered opportunities in the past. You simply have to make a commitment and forgive yourself for actions you cannot change. If your dream is to retire in comfort in ten, twenty, or thirty years, analyze your past spending and saving, educate yourself or consult a professional, and take steps now to create the results you want.

Whatever your goals for the future, your real power comes from letting go of the past. Stop worrying about what you have said and done (or haven't said or done) and start focusing on what you will say and do. Turn your negative energies toward positive actions and you'll amaze yourself!

Popular writer and adventurer Louis L'Amour said it well, "Everyone has it within his power to say, this I am today, that I shall be tomorrow." Here's to the future!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Absorption Rates

Hello all,

"Absorption Rates"

As everyone knows we have a serious issue when it comes to inventory levels through out the area. We had a steady climb in both offices at the beginning of the year but since we peaked our inventory is down about 20%. We are entering the summer  slow down so I do not think it will change in the next month and a half, however we need to keep a close eye on this for the second half of the year. One of the best ways to monitor movement in particular areas is with Absorption Rates, it can also be a very useful toll while working with buyers and sellers. Here is a reminder on how to calculate them.

20874 (Zip Code)
643 (prior 12 months sales)
643/12 = 54 (prior 12 month sales divided by 12 gets the sales per month)
135 (active listings)
135/54 = 2.5 (active listings divided by the sales per month)
2.5 Months of Inventory (if nothing else were to come on the market we would be out of houses in 2.5 months)

518/12 = 43
246/43 = 5.7
5.7 Months of Inventory

Obviously this shows the inventory issue is much more severe in the lower end, 6 months of inventory is considered to be a balanced market between buyers and sellers. 

Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee


"When roadblocks, locked gates, and unexpected turns sprout up along the path we've mapped out, we can quit on the spot and progress no further. Or, we can build a new path and follow it in whatever direction our imagination takes us. For those who dream, the choice is simple." 
~ from Country Living magazine


So . . . you've done all those things the greatest minds have suggested - you've planned your life's objectives and created a career/life/family path, and have no doubt where it will lead you. You're on your own "Yellow Brick Road" to happiness and prosperity until . . . ZAP! . . . there appears a sign on the path that reads, "Road Closed."

You peer past the sign to determine the road condition. It looks OK, so you veer around the sign and continue. The road turns to gravel, then dirt, then narrows to a walking path. You leave the car, and continue on foot. Soon your arms are scratched by briars, you begin to tire, and the path abruptly ends at a sheer 200' cliff. Your trip is over. There are no more "yellow bricks" to follow. What now?

If you've ever come to the end of such a road in your life, you well know the sinking feeling that came over you. No matter how much you felt like giving up, the situation was no doubt resolved by creating a new road, a new path leading in an entirely different direction.

You may have had to hack at the briars, trim back the trees, and even bulldoze your way in a new direction. It may have taken time, with compass and hiking shoes, to blaze that new trail. It may have been exhausting work, but in the end you reached your destination.

You have two choices when faced with a roadblock. You can quit, or you can put your imagination to work finding an alternate route. In the words of Sir Winston Churchill "Never give up. Never give up."

Monday, June 4, 2012

Golf Tournament

Hello all,

"Golf Tournament Day"

Thank you weather Gods!

 Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee


"Half the failures in life arise from pulling in one's horse as he is leaping.""

-J.C. and A.W. Hare


Have you ever tried to accomplish something, but given up before your plan or actions have come to fruition? Maybe you're just trying to organize a huge stack of paperwork, or perhaps you're trying to build up your database of leads or increase your sales by a certain percentage within a certain amount of time.

Of course, you feel a degree of frustration if you don't achieve the results you were hoping for. Frustration points you in one of two directions: either you'll be defeated, or you'll be pushed to try even harder to succeed. The surest way to guarantee failure is to quit before you've given enough time or effort to get the job done.

Also consider by whose standards you are measuring your success. Are you trying to live up to someone else's unreasonable expectations or goals? Then it might be time to approach that boss or spouse or instructor and let them know that your progress is guaranteed, but perhaps not on the established schedule. Bill Cosby once said, "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

Chances are that whatever goals you've set for yourself, you can achieve them, but setting reasonable goals in the first place will go a long way toward success. Maybe you should "pull in your horse" BEFORE he leaps if you feel he's not going to make it over the hurdle. Also remember that it's your effort to achieve that is ultimately the most important part of that success (kind of like the old adage about the journey vs. the destination). Don't forget the words of Lloyd Jones, who said, "The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed."

Success can be a relative term and depends upon the perspective of yourself and others. Do whatever you can to accomplish your goals or the goals that others set before you, but regardless of the outcome, you should ultimately be satisfied with the work you've done.