Monday, October 7, 2013

Potomac/Rotating Manager

Hello all,

"Potomac/Rotating Manager" 

In an effort to better serve the agents in Potomac we are going to implement a rotating manager system in the Potomac office. Mark, Al, Paulette and myself will each be taking one day a week for 4-5 hours in the middle of the day. I will still oversee the operations of the office with Michelle and Gladys but I believe a little more agent support would be welcome. I have full confidence in the management team, they will be there to help answer any questions for agents or handle situations that come up in the office. This will start Monday the 13th. I often tell people there is not a manual on how to handle a growing Real Estate Company... I believe this will serve the needs of the Potomac office however if we need to move in a different direction in the future we will. As always your feedback is welcome.

For my challenge group please remember to keep up with your activities!

Enjoy the coffee,

Monday Morning Coffee
"It is time I stepped aside for a less experienced and less able man." 
~ Professor Scott Elledge on his retirement from Cornell
Today's quote has got to make you laugh. Professor Elledge had a clear concept of his intelligence and qualifications, but also a sense of humor about his confidence in himself (or lack of confidence in others!). Then his words make us start to think about how we perceive our own talents, and how unwilling we might be to "let go" of some of our control, meaning our control over our responsibilities and tasks - what we are expected to do and how well we are expected to do it. 
What happens when the time comes to relinquish some of that control? Perhaps you have finally gotten to the point of needing an assistant or - horrors - to train someone else to perform your duties. Personal confidence is a superb trait, to be sure, but what happens when that confidence makes you feel like you're the only person in the world who can handle what you do? Maybe it's time for a reality check. 
If you have these feelings, it's possible that you've already got too much responsibility in the first place. Sometimes it is very difficult to give up some of your responsibilities out of the fear that someone else will just "screw it up." Did you know how to do everything your job involves on the first day you started? A time always comes to let someone else learn how to do things, and allow them to help you if necessary. 
Chances are that we all started out as "less experienced and less able," and along the way we surely made our own mistakes, learned and coped and ended up where we are today - Masters of the Universe! So don't worry about relinquishing some control - in the end it often proves to be better for you and for whomever needs to develop the experience that led to your own success! 

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